Dr. Kawita Bapat

Dr. Kawita Bapat

Director, Bapat Hospital, Indore
One Day Hysterectomy Specialist

I am best known for achieving the highest standard surgical skill in 'One day Hysterectomy'. With a deep passion for minimally invasive and advanced surgical procedures, I was a pioneer in bringing the concept of day care, minimally invasive procedure two decades ago, especially for Hysterectomy, particularly when no one knew much about it in this geography. Today, I stand with the repute of best One Day Hysterectomy Specialist of the state of MPCG. I have both urban and rural patients reaching out to me, both from this state, and from other areas.

My venture ONE Centre for Gynaecological Excellence that provides advanced gynaecological surgeries & gynae care to women during all stages of life from adolescence to geriatrics. Depending on the reason for the surgery, I use advanced approach, technique and technology to offer our patients innovative, minimally invasive procedure.

In the last three decades, I have practiced advanced gynaecology with the mindset of adapting to the most modern medical advancements and bringing the advantage for my patients in my everyday practice. With this persistence in learning, I became a renowned Hysterectomy Specialist with over 5000 surgeries in my track record. Right from treating pelvic floor disorders, fibroids to endometriosis to even pelvic pain, I have treated thousands of women for achieving better quality of life. It is this dedication and persistent hard work that took me to hold significant positions in various reputed Gynaecological Associations like FOGSI. My contribution to Breast Cancer & Breast Health was particularly celebrated & appreciated my all my peers in the fraternity.

With an efficient team and great ideas in place, in the near future, I wish to utilize my width of experience and expertise to establish more centres across various key cities of the country to provide advanced gynaecological treatments and care with excellence, right from adolescent to geriatric stages.

My practice has always been progressive in nature and professionally, I have tried to work on three levels: academic, research and training.

In the field of gynaecology, my noteworthy contributions are listed below:

Being a specialist of One Day Hysterectomy, over the years I had acute observations about severity of indicators. To help the fraternity take accurate decisions, I developed a Unique Symptom Scoring System that details a Symptom-based Severity Scale for mapping indications. This system was designed around twenty seven crucial factors that were observed and recorded along four level of severity. When the composite calculation is measured, the outcomes provide a clear indication for the need, nature, severity and complexity of the surgical procedure.

As the Breast Committee Chairperson of FOGSI, I conducted a massive Breast Check-up Drive by empanelling more than 39000 obstetricians and gyneacologists on my mission to make both practitioners and society at large aware about the importance of breast diseases and how to make breast checkup as a mandatory checkup during routine investigations in order to timely identify, manage and treat breast diseases.

I felt this inherent urge to come up with multiple innovation ways to bring about public awareness about Breast Diseases. To achieve this, I conducted alarge scale Marathon and various other creative activities that achieved the highest number of participants ever. The press coverage and response from the community not only validated my effort, it was reassuring and even overwhelming to have achieved the core objective of breast awareness in such interesting ways.

Primary Ovarian Insufficiency is a complex and relatively poorly understood problemthat requires attention and awareness.Despite enduring efforts at improving our understanding of the mechanisms involved in new-age problems, gynaecologists and medical researchers remain thwarted by the complexity and heterogeneity of the underpinnings of Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI). The idea of follow-up and HRT has a lot of scope. Transgender or girls with primary amenorrhea face a crucial condition that needs to be reviewed. Through this Registry, I wanted to encourage the medical fraternity to make significant strides in providing assurance to the women with premature ovarian insufficiency, so that their quality of life and long-term health can be optimized through timely intervention.

POI is associated with cardiovascular morbidity, osteoporosis and premature mortality. Women with POI present in primary care with menstrual disturbance, menopausal symptoms, infertility and, often, significant psychosocial issues. Gynaecologists and other medical practitioners play an important role in the evaluation and long-term management of women with POI.

As the Principal Investigator in this initiative, with the magnitude of ongoing research efforts as well as direction of some novel quests,I aimed to offer hope for those afflicted as well as invigorate those who are engaged in caring for this unique population.

What is profoundly admirable about holding many significant positions at important Associations is that one gets not only a great platform to offer, profess and execute ideas, one also feels the inherent responsibility to do so. I feel blessed to have received the same.

When I won the Vice President position at FOGSI, I was glad to have received such a prestigious forum to channelize my ideas. During this role, I moved ahead strongly Operating with my central motto "every member matters".

As Chairperson of Breast Committee, FOGSI, my thought process was welcomed with great support and appreciation.Given incidence of mortality rate of breast cancer, I sole aim was to make breast screening a part of primary care of all women attending a Gynaec Clinic. It is going to be an important future role for gynaecologists towards breast health. Cosmetic concerns about breast are often addressed by us and post partum breast complications are often managed by gynecologists. The incidence of breast cancer is on the rise. Early detection is vital as prompt treatment gives a normal five year survival rate. Hence, I exerted efforts to make breast examination an integral part of examination of all patients. Prompt detection is possible with both clinical breast examination supplemented with sonologic examination and multidisciplinary involvement, for which I even attempted to seek participation from clinicians of all specialties.

While I have addressed to a large number of concerns, both by way of my medical practice and private initiatives and also as a member of the reputed associations.

Of all the efforts, my key focus and deep involvement has been in areas of Breast Diseases &Breast Cancer, Primary Ovarian Insufficiency, Cervical Cancer and Advanced Vaginal Surgeries.

The key challenge that I noticed, particularly in areas like Breast Health, was to bring the investigations at the routine investigation level. The only way to timely treat a disease is to identify it early. Our community at large has the common practice of going for a consultation only after development of visible and acute symptoms; however, this adversely impacts the timely identification of the diseases.

Another aspect is that when it comes to Hysterectomy, we lacked a systematic process toassess the severity of the surgical need. I knew we needed a Symptom Severity Indicator Scale to map the severity along multiple relevant factors and make informed decisions.

As doctors, I could sense that most practitioners focus on their independent specialty and forte, while there are so many medical issues & diseases that require pooling of our skills to offer a multi-disciplinary approach to evidence-based medicine. My initiatives not only focused on core areas, they also brought together clinicians from diverse specialties to work for common goals.

In order to achieve multiple goals like bringing advanced gyanecological surgical expertise into practice with a shared vision for developing the entire fraternity, I incorporated solutions along three dimensions: Advocacy, Training and Initiatives.

As the Chief Mentor for ICOG, I began a Vaginal Surgery Course for skill development of gynaecologists.I developed varied training modules on Vaginal Surgery and designed multiple Online & Hybrid courses on significant subjects that add value to clinical practice and surgical skills. I conducted meticulous workshops, developed elaborate training modules and invested in hours of personal training to help progress the core causes.

Health inequalities exist not only in the region where I practice, they exist in most of the developing and under-undeveloped nations. The inequalities are both gender-based and access-based. Women have been particularly impacted by such inequalities. In order to improve reach and access of healthcare for women and reducing the costs of healthcare, I have taken initiatives like holding camps to offer surgeries at nominal costs, free consultations in non- urban areas, have given training sessions to surgeons in village, semi-urban areas to improve their standards & skills of medical care. With efforts like Marathons and Awareness Exercises, I have brought greater value to raising the importance that one gives to timely investigations and self care.

In order to improve the skill and expertise levels of healthcare professionals, I conduct workshops, training sessions and have developed elaborate modules on advanced vaginal surgeries. My noteworthy achievement is in the field of One Day Hysterectomy with perhaps highest number of hand-on trainings given in this area of specialisation.

My work has been commended for my vision and progressive mindset. I have always believed in collective training and taking entire medical fraternity as a whole to join hands and grow together. This urge to take everyone ahead has made my collaborations so strong that I am being invited by other specialists at their hospitals to perform surgeries. My novel ideas and innovative ways of translating my visions for One Day Hysterectomy have brought me various awards, recognitions and accolades.

I truly believe that my role does not end at the successful completion of a surgery itself, which is why I devote countless moments in the psychological and emotional restoration of my patients post-surgery.

It is my organic belief that surgical skills are either inherent or learnt. While mine are both inherent and upgraded by learning, I try to inspire the same drive for upgrading the competencies for everyone. With a deep passion for

minimally invasive and advanced surgical procedures, I was a pioneer in bringing the concept of day care, minimally invasive procedure two decades ago, especially for Hysterectomy. Today, I stand with the repute of best One Day Hysterectomy Specialist of the state of MPCG.

My venture ONE Centre for Gynaecological Excellence provides advanced gynaecological surgeries & gynae care to women during all stages of life from adolescence to geriatrics. In the last three decades, I have practiced advanced gynaecology with the mindset of adapting to the most modern medical advancements and bringing the advantage for my patients in my everyday practice. With this, I became a renowned Hysterectomy Specialist with over 5000 surgeries in my track record. I hold significant positions in various reputed Gynaecological Associations like FOGSI. My contribution to Breast Cancer & Breast Health was particularly appreciated my all my peers in the fraternity.

Major Contributions

In the field of gynaecology, my noteworthy contributions are listed below:

01: Symptom Scoring System for Hysterectomy

I developed a Unique Symptom Scoring System that details a Symptom-based Severity Scale for mapping indications. This system is designed around twenty seven crucial factors that were observed and recorded along four levels: need, nature, severity and complexity of the surgical procedure.

02: Empanelling & Enabling approx. 40000 OBGYNs for Breast Checkups

As the Breast Committee Chairperson of FOGSI, I conducted a massive Breast Check-up Drive by empanelling more than 39000 obstetricians and gyneacologists on my mission of breast diseases awareness.

03: Initiated a Registry on Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)

The idea of follow-up and HRT has a lot of scope. Transgender or girls with primary amenorrhea face a crucial condition that needs to be reviewed. As the Principal Investigator of this Registry, I want to encourage the medical fraternity to make significant strides in providing timely intervention for POI.

04: AICOG 2022

In association with Indore Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society, I successfully conducted the AICOG 2022 at a massive scale with whooping delegate participation at Indore along with vaginal surgery workshops that included all the recent updates and very rare surgeries.

05: Learn Simply

My vision is to keep offering more and more knowledge on vaginal surgery and on recent advances in obstetrics and gynaecology by way of a new initiative "Learn Simply".

06: Academics & Training

● Vaginal Surgery Fellowship & Online classes in association with ICOG
● Live Vaginal Surgery Sessions in association Study Medic
● Live Surgical Workshop in Association with Yashoda Hospital, Hyderabad
● Amrut: An educational initiative on breastfeeding and breast diseases in association with a conference.
● 3 months Hybrid Vaginal Surgery course in association with Study Medic
● Coordinator at Silver Jubilee SAFOG congress in Association with 55th Annual Scientific Conference of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
● Live Surgical Workshop at MGM Medical College, Aurangabad

I want to walk ahead with Surgery-U with the vision to take everyone ahead with my novel ideas and innovative ways of translating my vision: 'every member matters' and together we can go far, both in surgical/clinical significance and for making a difference for society at large.

My work has always been commended for my vision and progressive mindset. I have always believed in collective training and taking entire medical fraternity as a whole to join hands and grow together. If I am chosen as Editor-in-Chief, I would like to extend my sincere efforts along four pillars: academic, research and training.

I truly believe that our role does not end at the successful completion of a surgery itself, which is why I want to devote countless moments in motivating my peers for the psychological and emotional restoration of my patients post- surgery.

It is my organic belief that surgical skills are either inherent or learnt. While mine are both inherent and upgraded by learning, I will try to inspire the same drive for upgrading the competencies for everyone in this group.

When I won the Vice President position at FOGSI, I was glad to have received such a prestigious forum to channelize my ideas. SurgeryU will give me a similar reputed forum to execute multifarious projects that truly help our core aims.

To advance and improve the skills and expertise levels of the fellow healthcare professionals, I would like to ideate and conduct workshops, training sessions and have developed elaborate modules on advanced vaginal surgeries.

As a surgeon, I could sense that most practitioners focus on their independent specialty and forte, while there are so many medical issues and diseases that require pooling of our skills to offer a multi-disciplinary approach to evidence-based medicine. My initiatives not only focus on core areas, they also bring together clinicians from diverse specialties to work for common goals.

Initiated Registry of Primary Ovarian Insufficiency


Organising Secretary AICOG 2022, Indore

Director of Bapat Hospital, Indore

One Day Hysterectomy Specialist

ICOG Vaginal Surgery Certificate Course Centre

JOGI PEER Reviewer

Editor of Apollo Medicine

Award Winner of Nayika Indore & Captain of Industry

Vice President AMPOG

President Indore Menopause Society

Vice President MP Chapter of Vaginal Surgeons

Secretary MP IAGE

Executive Member ISAR & IAGE

Past Governing Council Member ICOG

Chairperson Breast Committee FOGSI 2016-18

Urogynecology Committee Chair AOFOG 2022 - 24

Live Vaginal Surgeon, SAFOG 2022

Some of my key activities that achieved noteworthy results are:

  • Establishing Awareness in Public & OBGY domains
  • Detailing a module about breast health
  • Communication Collaterals like: Powerpoint presentation Hand bills,Pamphlets,Books & Monthly magazine or newsletter
  • Frequent awareness rallys
  • Grand Marathon Events with mass participation where people will Run for Breast Health Awareness
  • Participation & support from in international agencies and organisations
  • Collaboration with government & related units that can help the cause
  • Encouraging sharing of stories about breast cancer survivors
  • Adolescent breast health checkup, counselling & knowledge enrichment
  • Educational Seminars
  • Collaborations with NGOs, Clubs & other social & community organisations
  • Celebrity endorsements by those celebrities who are already working for breast health
  • Spreading knowledge about Mammography Screening, Breast checkups in all corporate and social units